As I write this article on the eve of my 20th birthday, I can’t help but think about how scary it is to turn 20. Being a teenager is such a comfortable stage of life. You can make mistakes, but that’s what’s expected; you are still learning what you like to do, and you can still have a little fun before settling down to the real world. But 20...oh, I still get chills thinking about that age. I mean, don’t get me wrong: I’m excited to enter my “roaring 20’s,” but I can’t help but think of all the things I need to experience in this year. So here are 20 things that every 20-year-old should try to achieve during their second decade!
1. Master the art of crafting the perfect email
Whether you’re drafting an email to a professor, friend, potential boss, or lab partner, email is vital in our fast-paced society.
2. Establish a routine
Maybe this is on my list because I am the biggest creature of habit. But having a routine makes those endless to-do lists seem like they have an end. Know what works for you. If you’re a morning person, then get up and tackle your assignments in the morning.
3. Realize how cool your parents are
Y’all, parents are so cool! We all went through that stage thinking that our parents have no idea what’s going on in the world. Oh, but they know. Friends come and go, but your parents are always there for you, no matter what!
4. Find a passion
Everyone has a passion. Yes, even you have a passion! Maybe you haven’t unlocked it yet, but keep exploring and learning. I found one of my passions, photography, during one of the hardest moments of my life. You will discover something you love when you least expect it!
5. Make a dumb mistake
I’ve made several (thousand) of these. Mistakes are just opportunities to grow. Laugh at them, learn from them, and love what opportunities they can bring you.
6. Fail at something that you really wanted
If we all got what we really wanted, then we would never grow. Failure is inevitable; it’s something we just have to face. Handling failure shows your true character, so you better put forward your best face during your worst moments.
7. Visit a new culture
Study abroad or travel with family. You don’t have to go far. Experiencing a new way of life can broaden your own.
8. Learn how to take care of yourself
So little sleep, so little time, and way too much coffee! Welcome to the wonderful world of being a college student. But these habits are self-destructive. You and your body deserve so much better! So fuel yourself well and take advantage of those early nights.
9. Learn how to spot faux friends
Because they are out there. And, unfortunately, they will disappoint you.
10. Perfect your signature
I usually throw away my signature when signing documents, receipts, or hand-written notes. But, there just seems to be something unique about crafting a beautiful signature.
11. Have thicker skin
It's the little things in life that sometimes make a big impact. Don’t let those pesky disappointments gnaw away at you!
12. Learn the value of “no”
I want to do this, this, and this! It seems like there is always another opportunity to get involved in on campus, but as tempting as it is to add another thing to your plate, saying no to these opportunities is just as valuable as committing to them.
13. Master the art of small talk
Whether you’re in the middle of a heart to heart recruitment conversation or meeting someone new at a wedding reception, small talk can save you from some pretty awkward moments. My secret? Always ask questions!
14. Know your social security number
Well, at least the last four digits. It’s always good to keep that little bit of info in the back of your head.
15. Be a better listener
Listening takes a special skill. We all "listen," but it's a dying skill. Put down the phone, don't look around the room, and try to avoid interrupting. It's a lot harder than you think!
16. Find your guilty pleasure
Because sometimes it’s cold and rainy or you don’t do very well on a test. Bottom line: You have to find those little things that will brighten your mood instantly. I highly recommend Brynn's Frozen Yogurt.
17. Accept a challenge
Take that hard class that everyone avoids at all costs. Sign up to run that marathon. Push yourself like never before. Adversity builds character, friends.
18. Be informed
Whether you watch the morning news on your local TV station, get the top headlines from Twitter, or have been a longtime subscriber to the WSJ, staying informed with what’s going can make a huge impact on your conversations in the classroom, potential employers, or friends!
19. Keep up with others
It seems like time is going by faster and faster, which means it’s harder to keep up with friends. Thanks to technology, it’s easy to shoot your long distance friend a quick “thinking of you” text. It might not seem like a big thing to do, but it sure does make a big impact!
20. Know the difference between confidence and arrogance
There is a fine line between the two. And, boy, is it fine. Learn how to be proud of the person you are without boosting yourself over others.