Hello, from the other side…of recruitment!
I survived a week filled with endless chanting, dancing and meeting new girls. And no one else can capture this experience other than a few of my Friends.
The suitcases are out again and the clothes are all on the floor and ready to be packed up once more. Winter break is quickly coming to a close and all you can think about is the long days of chanting and small talking ahead of you.
Day one begins before your Snapchat temperature filter hits a decent temperature above freezing (and you have to document it, of course!). You and your sisters are unloading endless amounts of pipes and boxes into the building while screaming unnecessary orders at each other.
In between set up orders, you are chugging skinny vanilla lattes so that you’re perky for the PNMs. Otherwise, you won't act very sisterly when you greet the eager girls.
The room is set and the water glasses are filled! Then all of a sudden, you’re lining up and waiting to meet the potential new sisters. And all of the emotions hit you at once.But you see that one sister who always gets everyone sopumped before the doors to the party open. The chanting begins and you are flashing the cheesiest sorority smile you can possibly make! And you feel ready.
The eighth and last of the party of Day one finally rolls around and as your sisters are ushering the PNMs to the door, you have to resist yourself from being overly excited about saying goodbye.
Then the days begin to blur together and it’s all of a sudden Skit Day. You and your sisters put on your finest costumes and are beyond excited to win the PNMs over with your mad dancing skills.
You think you’re ready but then the music starts to play and all you want to do is run and never look back…
But you see your sisters cheering you on and you make it through the dance, even though you forgot your choreography half way through!
Finally, the last day of recruitment comes around! It’s Preference Night: everyone is dressed to nines and feels sentimental about the long week. But deep down, the biggest question is concerning the status of the left over cake…
You make your way back to your dorm after tearing down the last party and all you want to do is treat yo' self. After all, you are celebrating the end to a long week while also aiding your tired and achy body.
It’s BID DAY! You greet all of your new sisters with smiles and screams of happiness and then you all storm the Quad together for the photo frenzy! The screams start around 3:45 and continue all afternoon.
And finally, you and all of your sisters are clogging up everyone’s Instagram feeds with photos of your new sisters in matching t-shirts while showing off your incredible sorority posing skills. And it’s the best feeling in the world!
Oh recruitment... it is one of the best and worst times of the year! There is no other experience like it! But if anything, this sums up my recruitment experience.