Wake Forest is fun regardless of the time of the year. Football tailgates may be great, but there is nothing like spring at Wake Forest, for one reason and one reason only: darties.
Call it what you want: day drink, day party, or simply darty -- there is nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning with an extensive social email listing all the possibilities that await you.
Here are the 22 stages a Wake Forest student goes through on a sunny Saturday .
1. Wake up with a pounding headache and churning stomach and claim there is no way you're going out for the rest of the weekend.
2. Then you look outside and see the sun shining through your blinds and hear the weather man predict a forecast of 75 and sunny.
3. You roll over to grab your phone, check your email, and see that there is going to be a party with a petting zoo and a moon bounce in the backyard. Your headache slowly starts to fade away.
4. Text your friends and ask if they are dartying.
5. After very little contemplation, y'all make the executive decision that there are only six weekends left of the school year, so you might as well take advantage!
6. Roll out of bed, shower, and eat. Do not darty on an empty stomach.
7. Go to the grocery store to buy essentials: champagne and OJ. Side note: Trader Joe's has champagne that is not only cheaper than Andre, but tastes way better, too. Mix with grapefruit and orange juice and you've got yourself one heck of a mimosa.
8. Realize that it is already three in the afternoon.
9. You're not gonna have time to finish your drink at the pregame, so you take a disposable coffee cup and make a “roadie."
10. Call an Uber -- it will probably cost you $4 max, and at this point in the day, no one has the patience to wait around for a pledge car.
11. Get to the party, swarm to the alpaca, take a million pictures and SnapChat an absurd amount.
12. Continue to stand around in the sun socializing and drinking lukewarm beer.
13. Realize that it's starting to get really warm and you are regretting wearing the long sleeved romper instead of the tank top.
14. Oh, wait, that's just the alcohol talking.
15. Is anyone else getting hungry? The social email said there would be cheese here -- I see no cheese.
16. Come on, it's almost 5:30 p.m., let's go get pitchers of beer and greasy food.
17. “Wait, let me take one last picture with the dog!"
18. “Can we get a ride to Putter's?"19. Order pitchers, cheese fries, soft chips.
20. “It's only 7, we can totally rally and go out tonight, I'm not even that tired!"
21. Sit on the couch, determined to stay awake because “we only have five weekends left of junior year!"
22. Asleep by 9 p.m.