Nothing on this planet is exactly like rushing a sorority. The experience of rushing has an uncanny resemblance to being a contestant on "The Bachelor." Both events require you to put yourself out there and go for what you want. The ending may be unexpected, but one thing is for sure, they both turn out to be a hormonal mess.
"Can I steal you for a second?"
These are the words that made my mind immediately realize the connection between rushing and "The Bachelor." While I was talking to one girl in a sorority, another girl swooped in quickly and she used this exact same quote that every bachelor contestant uses. I was really confused at first. There were constantly new girls taking me in different directions. Why did they want to "steal" me? Nobody gets a break. It's exhausting. I finally know how you feel, Ben H.
You have to try all the time.
Girls plan their outfits weeks in advance. The pressure is on to look perfect. Along with looking your best, you have to be on your best behavior. After all, it's mainly about the first impressions.
The conversations are forced and mostly surface level.
Everyone asks the same questions and repeats the same answers. If we're being honest, we all end up saying exactly what the other person wants to hear. The absolute worst moment is when neither person knows what to talk about, so someone ends up saying something stupid.
Everyone is trying to set themselves apart.
This is my favorite part of "The Bachelor," and it's definitely a large part of the rush process. Let's face it: nobody remembers anyone's names throughout the process. In order for them to remember your name, you have to do or say something really interesting. We all remember Chris Cupcake for a reason.
..And by "setting themselves apart," I also mean telling the same sob story over and over.
You know that girls are trying to be remembered for their touching stories that may exaggerated a happens.
Sadly, sometimes you feel the connection when it's not there.
Rejection: it happens to everyone at some point. It's better that they reject you as soon as they know there isn't a connection, or else being there would just be a complete waste of your time.
Getting a bid is like getting a rose.
Ah...the excitement and relief. This means there's a connection and you both feel it. We all know this is the number one confidence booster.
As crazy as it may seem, in the end, we are all looking for love.
From sorority girls to bachelor contestants, we all want that feeling of belonging. Every girl just wants a relationship that will last a lifetime.