When you finally get back on campus after three and a half long months,
And you see one of your friends you haven't seen since May.
And you realize there are no more rules,
Because there are no more parents.
When you step foot in a frat — "It feels like home."
And then at said frat, you see that one person you didn't miss at all over the summer.
When you know you're about to drink more on your first night back than you did all summer,
And that first sip of Karkov / McCormick's / Chatch is both the best and worst thing to ever happen to you.
And then when you "aren't that drunk,"
And you're "a great dancer" because:
The morning after your first night out when your friends tell you what you did...
And who you had a dance floor makeout with...
So your morning is pretty much going like this:
Just kidding, it's like this:
And then you have to actually go to the first day of classes but you're still drunk.
When your professor decides to assign you a bunch of homework on the first day and you're like:
Then that night, all of your friends try to convince you to go out again and they're like...
Because you're back in your favorite place in the world, so why not?