1. Can’t wait to be home and in my own bed!
My bed is my favorite piece of furniture in my house (along with the fridge). No other bed will compare to the one I have at home.
2. Free food!
F-R-E-E F-O-O-D!
3. I really don’t want to unpack.
I honestly don’t mind living out of a suitcase for three months.
4. Is coming home at 3 a.m. still acceptable?
If your parents are anything like mine, then you know what it’s like to be constantly asked what time you’re coming home. Don’t get me wrong, my parents still give me a good amount of freedom, but I’m not used to having to tell anyone when I’m coming home. In all honesty, I don’t even know when I’ll be home.
5. It’s official: my dog is my only friend.
And I'm fine with that.
6. Maybe I’ll stay in tonight.
I don’t know about you, but staying in and lying on the couch seems a lot more amusing that taking the train to see my friends …
7. Okay, I’m bored now…
8. But really though, where are all of my friends?
9. So, can I go back to school now?
I love being home and all, but it’s time.
10. No, I don’t know how my world religions class will help me find a job.
If there’s anything that my parents love to ask me, it’s how every single one of my classes is going to help me find a career. I don’t know, it just seemed like an interesting class.
11. Don’t bother me for the next three days; I have a date with Netflix.
"Orange is the New Black" is my only priority right now.
12. Yes, no more wearing flip flops in the shower!
13. All of my #TBT posts are of my friends at school…
I need new friends.
14. Mom, buy me this.
Guilt-tripping my mom into buying me things “because I’m never home” is the best.
15. No seriously, is it time to go back now?
16. How many more weeks?!?
17. Sorry Mom, I forgot I had to tell you where I was … every second of the day.
18.Why is my best friend not right down the hall from me anymore?
This is stupid.
19. Is frat-hopping still a thing?
20. You mean, I have to pay for drinks now?
You see, this is why we need frats.
21. Why can’t all of my friends from school just come home with me?
22. “Hey! How’s it …” Never mind, I don’t know them.
I’m so used to seeing someone I know walking down the street on campus, I forgot I’m back in Chicago. Oops.
23. Wait, I still have to do my own laundry?
24. Why am I still poor?
25. Yes, I can drive again!
26. Ugh, I forgot traffic was a thing.
27. You’re making me pay for gas?
I’ll walk.
28. So, about this whole friends thing …
Yeah, where are they?
29. Okay, joke's over — take me back now …