It's no secret that college is about the most stressful time in our young lives. Here are some GIFs that accurately portray the daily struggles faced in college:
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1. The feeling of anguish you get during a crazy week.
Exams, research papers and tons of homework: these are all horrible as is, but having them all in one week can be killer. By the time the middle of the week rolls by, you start to think that happiness is a far, far away concept that you will never experience again.
2. You can't help but feel paranoid every time you have free time.
Free time? What is that? You get so used to the endless assignments that you forget what it feels like to just sit back and enjoy your free time.
3. That feeling of dread that comes when you suddenly remember an assignment.
It's happened to the best of us. You might think that you're gonna be in bed by 10 for once, but you can be wrong. Right before jumping in bed, you remember about the three chapter quizzes due in an hour. Fun times, right?
4. The familiar nerves of exam day.
Whether you studied all night or you found out about it the day of, exams have a way of making you doubt everything about yourself.
5. You realize how much you took food for granted.
Ever been so broke that feeding yourself became an optional thing? And skipping only one meal a day is considered a good day? Going from three meals a day to hardly one can be quite a transition.
6. Your friend's leftovers become a gift from God.
Remember when being offered leftovers was a little insulting? Well when you find yourself surviving a whole week on only $10, leftovers are lifesavers.
7. Failing a class/test can sometimes equal an emotional crisis.
Whether it's a class or a test, feeling like you wasted time, tears and, not to mention, money can take a toll on your emotions. And If someone so much as looks at you wrong, a breakdown is soon to come.
8. Who needs college? Right?
Every week comes with a new roller coaster of chaos, and one semester is enough to make you question if higher education is really worth it.
9. Going out with your friends is the only thing keeping you going.
Sometimes you just have to unwind with your best friends after a hard week.
10. You create life-long memories.
Maybe this isn't considered a "struggle," but it's what happens when you face multiple struggles with people you know will be there for you no matter what.