This past weekend, Haverford College mock trial competed in our assigned American Mock Trial Assocation regional tournament in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a witness on our B Team, and this was my first real mock trial competition. Despite (or maybe partially due to the thrill of) several difficulties that my team encountered, I loved it!
Now, I'd like to recognize the fact that Parks and Rec gif tributes are not creative. They are veritable memes. It's just that I think undergraduate mock deserves the distinct honor of being memed in this way. So here we go! If you've ever done mock trial, especially at AMTA regionals, you may be able to relate to the reactions in this article.
When you know that you're looking hella classy.
When you want to be nice to the opposition before a round starts.
When you don't want to be THAT nice... you want to seem tough.
When you are too busy reworking your strategy to say hi to the opposition at all.
When your judge makes it clear that there will be NO cell phones during the trial.
When you stutter during your opening.
When the opposition objects to anything and everything.
When you're trying to read your judges to see what they want in a witness...
But there's almost no way for your character to make any sense.
When you're an expert witness and the opposition contests your expertise.
When you SLAY your closing.
When, in the judge's comments, they drivel on about how different real law is.
When you're EXTREMELY proud of your squad.
When the first trial of the day is over and you. Want. Lunch.
When you find out that you scored badly.
When you find out that you actually scored well.
At the end of the weekend...