It is no secret that Dwight Schrute is not only a pivotal character in "The Office," but he is a voice of our generation.
Facebook is also a symbol of our generation. There are both positive and negatives when signing up to use Facebook and sometimes you just have to suck it up or log off.
Here are 18 instances in which Dwight represents every Facebook user:
1. Someone posts a political/social viewpoint you agree with
2. You get a lot of likes and nice comments on a selfie

3. When your ex is trying to throw shade
4. When your best friend tags you in an unflattering photo

5. Fake laughing at a dumb video that your friend shows you while not losing your dignity

6. Preparing yourself to read everything that started a fight in the comment section of someone's status update

7. Thinking about what you're going to contribute to the fight...
8. ...and eventually posting a really good comeback

9. "It's snowing/raining/weather" x 1000
10. An older Facebook user posting in all caps and signing their posts with their name/title
11. Middle school girl fawning over someone you don't recognize
12. Showing your parents an inappropriate post from a sibling
13. To all the people too "thirsty" for their own good:
14. Seeing everyone complaining about something that you know nothing about

15. && 2 Ppl wHOO tyP3 lyK3 DIs

16. What you want to post as a reminder to be smart about what goes on the Internet

17. Sometimes, you feel like exploring your other social media options
18. But then you remember how convenient it is to creep on people

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