You're turning in a paper minutes before it is due. You're suffering from lack of sleep and proper nutrition. You're staying up all night cramming for a test. You would do just about anything for a free meal. Who are you? A college student.
If I had to guess, you are probably procrastinating on an assignment right now as you read this. If so, you are definitely in the right place. Here are 38 times "The Office" helps to accurately display the life of a college student.
1. When your overly responsible roommate drags you out of bed for your 8 a.m.
2. Working in a group project with people who cannot agree on anything.
3. Receiving an e-mail that class is cancelled.
4. When you and your friends survive a sleepless finals week.
5. When your computer crashes right before you submit a 10-page research paper.
6. Giving the honest explanation of why your assignment is late.
7. We all know that one guy who always has to challenge everything the professor says.
8. When anyone offers you free food.
9. That moment when you realize you have four tests, two papers and one presentation all within a four-day span and briefly contemplate dropping out.
10. When a professor tries to hold your class longer than the allotted time.
11. When you are assigned a last minute research paper over a long weekend.
12. When you get an assigned seat next to someone who isn't all.
13. When your professor won't tell you what to study for a test.
14. Giving a speech in your Public Communication class.
15. When you get your tuition statement in the mail.
16. When you arrive on time for all of your classes.
17. Leaving to go home for Christmas break.
18. When the people who live above you are loud, both day and night.
19. Trying to listen to people before the hour of 10 a.m.
20. Camping out in the library study rooms for the entirety of finals week.
21. When your English professor asks for your thoughts on the assigned reading.
22. That person who keeps a 4.0 GPA throughout their entire college career.
23. Being reunited with your best friends after a long weekend at home.
24. When you are invited on a road trip with your friends but then realize you're broke.
25. BID DAY!!!
26. Trying to avoid the Freshman 15.
27. Move-in day...
28. Having to re-take your photo after losing your ID card.
29. When math classes feel like a whole new language.
30. When your friend wants to set you up on a date, but you're really just loving the single life.
31. Trying to keep your sanity.
32. Writing long papers...
33. When you just want to feel intelligent.

34. To the kid who never shows up to class, but still expects to pass with an A.

35. Epically failing at sounding professional.
36. When your professor decides to offer extra credit.
37. Feeling like you'll be sick if you have to do yet another presentation.
38. When you realize all you really need is an extended vacation.

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