Worst Films Of The Last 20 Years
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Worst Films Of The Last 20 Years

Just don't watch them.

Worst Films Of The Last 20 Years
Fast & The Furious

There have been some really bad films made throughout the years. I have often been told that I hate all movies, which isn't quite true, as there are many films that I enjoy and love. That being said, there are many more that are just awful and had no reason to be made. More often that not that would be the case, especially in this New Hollywood full of remakes, sequels, and sagas. The market is extremely over saturated. While most movies are bad, some of them can be dealt with. There are films that you should avoid at all costs though. These are my picks for the 10 worst made so far, this century. (Please don't watch them. Also I kind of cheated and put series in for just one spot, but you're going to have to suck it up and deal with it. Write your own article.)

10. "The Master of Disguise" (2002)

Dana Carvey has yet to regain my trust after this abomination. There are a lot of annoyingly childish kids movies, but this has got to be one of the worst. Even as an eight year old watching this film I was annoyed by him, I, the target demographic at the time, thought it was too childish. Kids aren't stupid on their own, films like this make them that way. I'm talking to you Hollywood and parents as well, don't let your kids watch awful films, because they grow up with poor standards and we wind up with dozens of parody movies and "Fast and Furious" sequels.

9. "Spider-Man 3" (2007)

"Spider-Man" opened the floodgates for super hero movies, as it was revolutionary and helped to redefine and popularize the genre. "Spider-Man 3" almost destroyed that progress. Too many villains, a half-assed love story and emo Spider-Man, and that is the legacy left behind by Sam Raimi's trilogy. This film was so bad it kept the webslinger off the big screen for five years, until it was finally rebooted. (Spoiler alert, the same mistakes were made and it is being remade again.)

8. "The Last Airbender" (2010)

2010 ... I had so much hope. One of the best cartoons ever made was getting a live action, big screen adaptation. And then it was revealed that M. Knight Shamalyn would be directing, but I got over that. And then it was revealed that the three protagonists were going to be played by white people, but I went and saw it anyway. I don't know where to begin. The mispronunciations of Avatar and Aang were enough to make me want to leave right away, but I stuck it out. I should have just left. The action sequences were terrible and the story was dumbed down and compacted to an insulting level. There is still a part of me that would like to see this great series adapted into a (successful) live action film, but then there is a greater part of me that would rather it just be left alone.

7. "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (2009)

The X-Men film franchise was coming off of an anticlimactic (stupid) ending to their trilogy and thought, "What better way to reignite interest than to make a movie about only Wolverine?" But instead of making a Wolverine movie as they should have (rated R, bloody, and dark), they made a film about their lovelorn Wolverine who whines and complains all the time instead of just being a badass. Poor execution and a terrible script were the culprits, luckily this was revised through the events of "Days of Future Past."

6. "The Room" (2003)

From the green screen used for scenes take place on a rooftop to Tommy Wiseau and company's awful acting (and Tommy's incoherent dialogue), this film was terrible. Labeled by many as the "Citizen Kane" of bad movies, this was originally meant as a melodramatic romance, but later Wiseau claimed it was a black comedy and the mistakes and everything else were intentional. Whether that was the case or not, this film was the real mistake and Wiseau hasn't been heard from much since.

5. "Star Wars" Prequels (1999-2005)

I could talk about midichlorians, or the gratuitous use of CGI, but all I really need to say to justify this is Jar Jar Binks. These films are not "Star Wars" and while I hate the remake culture of Hollywood, part of me really wishes Disney would just scrap them and try again.

4. "The Fast and The Furious" Series (2001-Present)

I will admit the first film was alright, and it would have been fine as a standalone film. Then they kept going and going and getting more and more ridiculous, like "Die Hard," but unlike "Die Hard" the first film wasn't good enough to forgive the rest. Also unlike "Die Hard," these films feature the "talents" of one of the worst actors ever, Vin Diesel. With the emotional range of a dried apricot, his deadpan delivery runs it's course quickly. The addition of The Rock didn't do anything to help. To the studio that keeps green-lighting these films: please stop, and then ask yourselves why you have made seven, (working on the eighth) of these films, but you won't adapt the "Dragonlance" novels into films.

3. "Transformers" Saga (2007-present)

This is another film series like "Fast and Furious." The first film was bearable, even pretty good by some standards, and then they kept making them. Shia LaBeouf may very well be one of the worst actors of all time, and these movies very strongly support that. Four of these films have already been released and there are three more coming out in the next few years. Really? How many stories can be made about giant robots fighting? (Sigh..)

2. The "Twilight" Saga (2008-2012)

Four terrible books turned into five terrible movies. Honestly, the only good thing that I can say about these movies is that at least they had the good sense to end. (I'm sure the only reason they ended though was because they ran out of source material and were too creatively challenged to write more.) Featuring two of the worst on-screen couples of all time, these films lacked any romantic chemistry whatsoever.

1. Anything made by Adam Sandler.

"Jack and Jill," "Grown Ups," "The Cobbler," "Pixels," as long as he keeps making films, this list won't end anytime soon.

I'm content with the list for now, but I would like to add "Fifty Shades of Grey," "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," "The Maze Runner" series, and the "Divergent" series, as some honorable mentions.

Hollywood, try harder, please.

Was my list good?

Let me know what you think in the comments!

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