Wolf-PAC Standing Together
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Wolf-PAC Standing Together

Curing the disease of big donor money state by state.

Wolf-PAC Standing Together
Come Together Against Hate

"O beautiful for spacious skies

For whites and wealthy laws are made

For businesses own Americans

As 21st century slaves!

Establishment, Establishment! Our votes mean nothing to thee!

As you rob us blind, you sell us lies

‘Til "Wolf-PAC" sets us free!" (To the tune of "America The Beautiful" by Katharine Lee Bates)

“People should not fear their governments; governments should fear their people.” (V for Vendetta, 2006) He who has the gold makes the rules. This has been the way of thinking since money existed. “The top one-tenth of one percent of families have almost as much money as the bottom ninety percent of families.” – (berniesanders.com)

Everyone including liberals, democrats, progressives, conservatives, independents, republicans and tea party members can agree that money exists in politics. As a nation, we must fight to remove the existence of money in politics, and to ensure everyone’s vote counts equally. As a result, we must join Wolf-PAC and their efforts to “restore true, representative democracy in the United States by pressuring our State Legislators to pass a much needed Free and Fair Elections Amendment to our Constitution.” (wolf.pac.com)

What is my credibility to speak about this you might ask? Simply, I’m not a dumbass. This is my and your future. And I don’t know about you, but I want to have a future where what I vote for matters. I want my opinions to matter and not just the opinions of the wealthy, powerful and well connected.

I will address the issues of money in politics and corruption, and how we, the now rising adults of America, have a decision to make: let those who have the most gold enslave us or join Wolf-PAC and take our country back, making it a nation representative of the well being of the entire country.

"What I've learned is that real change is very, very hard. But I've also learned that change is possible - if you fight for it." – Elizabeth Warren

No matter your race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other demographic you fit into, you want to be heard. The issue of underrepresentation is universal and reaches all walks of life. Since the 1980’s, there has been a massive redistribution of wealth and power. And when people have money, they feel they have power, and they feel they can use that money and power to fund their agendas. For example, an anti crime bill, spear headed by former President Bill Clinton, and his wife Hillary, lead to massive incarcerations. It greatly benefited the private, for-profit prisons. Incarcerations meant profits for these prisons, which these prisons would then donate to politicians to further influence the laws in their favor.

In the 2016 election alone, Hillary Clinton has received "7 million dollars from Soros Hedge Funds, another 7 million dollars from Euclidian Capital, and 4 million dollars from Paloma Partners." - Open Secrets Do you honestly think they would keep funding her if she was going after them and trying to keep their money out of our political system? I'm just saying It would take a lot less than 7 million dollars for me to influence every decision you made. But don't believe this is a bias against Mrs. Clinton because it's all but a handful of politicians who fall into this same category of being bought. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks gave a speech in New York back in 2012 and is quoted as saying, “…93% of Congressional Races are won by the candidate with the most money, and in the Senate: 94%.”

Image Credit: Huffington Post

So just how can we stop this? Just as Elizabeth Warren said, it won’t be easy. Removing money from politics is like fighting a cancer. It is deeply woven into our society. It is a disease that doesn’t need treatment or a band aid. It needs an overwhelming fight for a cure. This is in every way "Wolf-PAC" Wolf-PAC's website is quoted with a specific reason for this mission.

“Wolf PAC believes that we can no longer count on our Federal Government to do what is in the best interest of the American people due to the unfettered amount of money they receive from outside organizations to fund their campaigns.”- (wolf.pac.com)

Wolf-PAC's website lays out their specific plans to change this way of politics and to be victorious.

1. Believe – that we have the power to change our government

2. Take Action – Here’s where we come in: we need to volunteer, call upon our local representatives, meet with them, and donate to further fund Wolf-PAC’s efforts, and lastly visit wolf.pac.com. I can’t stress this enough. Read more information on it, volunteer, sign the petition, and donate if you can.

3. Focus – Because 38 states need to vote in favor of this legislation, Wolf-PAC will find the 38 states with the most support and focus on funding efforts to pass the legislation in those specific states.

4. Connect – Using previous victories, 1st being the state of Vermont, to convince other states to join Wolf-PAC and pass this constitutional amendment.

5. Enforce – At the point of winning, no delegates will oppose this constitutional amendment due to it’s historical nature.

6. Rejoice – Celebrate victory (wolf.pac.com)

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." – Ronald Reagan

Close your eyes and think about what you want your life to look like in 20 years. Is it peaceful? Are your loved ones safe and happy? Do you trust the people who are in power? Or are you afraid of them? I want you to imagine this future where the embodiment of our government, won’t be lies, greed, or corruption. Imagine a future, where when it comes time to vote, you don’t stay home because you believe your vote doesn’t actually count. It will be a future where your voice matters no matter how little money you have.

"An educated, enlightened, and informed democracy is one of the surest ways of promoting the health of a democracy." – Nelson Mandela

As Nelson Mandela said, we must be enlightened and informed. We need to know what must be done but we must also take action. Again, although we all can agree that this disease of corruption exists, IT IS NOT ENOUGH! We must join the fight. We must join Wolf-PAC. Because puppetry is the true consequence of silence. And no matter how much we are told to shut up, not say this, and bow your head, our ideas cannot be erased.

The idea cannot die, because “...ideas are bulletproof.” - V for Vendetta (2006) And if we follow the mantra of saying nothing, it makes it that much easier to accept the duty of doing nothing. And when we say and do nothing, we remove our ability to think freely as we confine our words and actions into boxes. And once we are in those boxes, the next thing we realize, those boxes are in the ground. In the end, if we say and do nothing, then we suffer a fate worse than our own perception of death, we never existed to begin with.

I encourage you to revisit the information addressed here and make a difference by visiting wolf.pac.com. Here you can sign up in your state to volunteer, you can donate to fund their efforts, and you can sign the petition to get more attention to this legislation. According to wolf.pac.com, only three phone calls are needed to bring attention to an issue in a state legislature. We can accomplish this! And we can get our democracy back! Every generation before us has passed a constitutional amendment. And NOW it’s our turn.

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