Now that Christmas is over, many people will be looking toward the New Year as the final hoorah, and along with that, many will be making New Years resolutions. I have always been perplexed, even from a young age, why it was convention to affix a resolution to the dawn of a new year, as in its entirety, making resolutions are futile, and they should instead be replaced with setting goals for the upcoming year.
Setting goals are a healthier way of feeling accomplished, as the constant effort of trying to maintain a self-inflicted burden that comes with making resolutions, such as quitting a bad habit, is much harder to materialize.
No matter how small or monumental the goal, it will instill positive energy when entering the new year, due to the aims that you are striving for. Rather than sullying the New Year from the offset with a resolution that you more than likely aren't going to uphold, goals will instead fuel the drive towards an aim.
Questions to consider when setting goals would be: How feasible is this? Where do I want to see myself by the end of the year? Is this beneficial to me? By knowing your limits and setting realistic goals, I guarantee 2017 will converge towards your desires in life.
So consider a change in attitude and discourse when entering the upcoming year, as it is a fallacy to believe that entering a new year will suddenly change aspects in your life, for change has to start with you.