Why Most Of The 2016 Candidates Are Poor Choices
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Why Most Of The 2016 Candidates Are Poor Choices

No such things as the better of two evils here.

Why Most Of The 2016 Candidates Are Poor Choices

I’ve never been so nervous for the future of this country since I’ve listened to the clowns at the Democratic and Republican debates. There have been questionable presidents — I personally believe the current one to be on this list — but God help us when one of these candidates becomes President. And unfortunately, this is coming at one of the worst times. China’s stock market has been on a decline, dragging down the rest of the world’s economy; we have people in hysteria in our own country who claim cops are evil; we have a massive racial divide — and all these things have only gotten worse. So let’s run down the main contenders in both parties and realize how massively screwed we are.

The Republicans

I will openly admit that I am a die-hard Republican. However, I’m sad to say that none of these candidates are ready to take on the responsibility of POTUS. And it’s that that scares me.

Donald Trump. What can be said about a man who has declared bankruptcy four times (granted he was playing the system), divorced three, and who has a terrible toupee. It blows my mind how he’s kept the lead of the Republican Party race. The only positive thing that has come from him is that he has gotten people to talk about things that usually remain silent. Granted, they’re said in very questionable and insensitive ways, and I also believe that if he had a button that launched all of the United States’ nukes, he’d probably press it. So in this case, the positives are heavily outweighed by the negatives.

Ben Carson is an interesting guy. Extremely smart, very polite, but something about him just reminds me of a lost puppy. I actually think he’d make a decent President except for one thing: he has absolutely no political experience and that could be terrible. One thing that politicians are good at other than lying is being very well spoken, and they’re never afraid to get into a heated conversation. I feel like Carson would piss himself the first time he met Vladimir Putin as President.

Jeb Bush. I actually think he may be the best of all the Bush’s but unfortunately that isn’t saying much. And because of his big brother’s screw up with a massive war that is still under scrutiny, Jeb’s chances are extremely slim. Ted Cruz is extremely anti-gay marriage which I think will cause a lot of people not to vote for him. Marco Rubio would be a great candidate if he actually showed up to more than 20 percent of the votes as a Senator. My ideal candidate would be Rand Paul, someone who I think can actually appeal to most people, but we can all thank Trump for him having no chance.

The Democrats

Realistically this race is only between two people, both of which are terrifyingly poor candidates. The whole “pick the lesser of two evils” thing doesn’t really apply because they are both equally terrible.

How can we describe Hilary Clinton? I have several words that come to mind, but none of them are exactly what you’d call “professional” so I’ll refrain from using them. This is the same woman who refused to send reinforcements to Benghazi, allowing innocent Americans to be killed. She then denied ever receiving information about an attack, a claim that was later found out to be false. She then hid emails from the government claiming that there was nothing to hide. Long story short, she should be in jail. So no, she should not be president.

There isn’t a single time I’ve been on Facebook that I haven’t seen an uneducated post stating that Bernie Sanders should be president. The younger, more liberal generation worships the ground he walks on: "I mean hey, he’s promising me free college tuition. H*ll yeah, sign me up." He’s made all these great promises to make things cheaper and that’s awesome, except for one thing: the man seems to lack the basic knowledge you get as a freshmen in college in your Econ 101 class. His idea is simply tax the rich and give to the poor, which generally sounds like a good idea but doesn’t quite work. Plus I just feel nauseous when I hear his “socialist” ideas. So I think he has good intentions but has no idea what kind of effects it’ll have.

Moral of the story, I think we’re going to be in for a very interesting election come 2016. Could we get a President that is worse than the past two? Most likely. Are we totally screwed? Probably. So come this fall, I’ll be voting for myself — kind of like when you are required to pick the person with the best project in middle school.

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