Why I Love Local Bands & Why You Should Too
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Why I Love Local Bands & Why You Should Too

I hope that one day, as many people will start to show their true support for the local music scene as I do.

Why I Love Local Bands & Why You Should Too
Corbyn Jenkins

Throughout the past two years, I have become very passionate about concert photography. The feeling you get when you get that perfect shot of the performer is amazing. There really isn't a way to describe it. Each performer puts all of their heart and energy while performing on stage and for many of them it just radiates into the crowd and creates this incredible atmosphere.

While I have been shooting many artists, I have been lucky enough to get a taste of their music as well. Some of these artists have songs that go completely unnoticed by the general public and it is too bad because they are incredible. As I attended these many local concerts I notice that half of the time the room appears almost empty with only a few dedicated fans. I find that to be strange because all over town and on social media you see people saying to “Support Local Bands.” It is almost like the whole world is claiming that they support local music, yet when I go to a show it seems pretty far from it. It makes me wonder what is going on? When you go to a show for a super well-known band, there is hardly any room to even breathe. It makes me wonder where all of these people are who claim to support the local music scene?

Many people claim to show interest in the support of their town’s music scene, but fail to attend a single local show. I have even heard people use money as an excuse yet more than half of the shows entry fee is under $10.00. I don’t think people realize that many of the most prominent bands that they support all started from the bottom and worked their way to the top. They had supporters along the way so why are people not continuing this?

Why do I feel that local artists and bands are the best? Well, first off the music at a local level is far purer and personal than music that has been tainted with fame. You cannot deny that. The local musicians are completely free to be their true selves because they have no intervention from labels or managers. They are completely true to themselves. These artists also have no one to please but themselves or their current fans. They don’t change their own style to please the world and the labels.

Another reason why I find local acts to be awesome is that they tend to show more humility, as the only thing keeping them alive is their local fanbase. The local artists seem to be a lot more humble because they aren't run by fame. One of the greatest things is that after a local show the bands usually hang back to meet their fans and on some occasions even become close friends with them. I have personally become good friends with many of the local bands and it is such a cool experience.

When you start to attend local concerts you will start to see so many familiar faces. I think that this is one of the biggest benefits. You make so many new friends! People who attend many of the local shows create a sense of a positive community. I have met some of my best friends from local concerts and we still continue to attend them because it is a reminder of how we became so close. Music already is an incredibly emotional thing and being in a place with people a lot like you are indescribable.

Finally, there is nothing cooler than seeing a band you have long supported make it in the big leagues. I’ve seen this one band, Time Atlas, grow from a little seedling into a huge success. I saw the band’s start-up and went to several shows, and eventually, they have gone on their own tour and have played at shows alongside some pretty great bands. It’s such an amazing feeling to see them perform at a high level because it makes me feel like I had a big part in their uprising. I understand that I’m not the reason that they suddenly became popular, but the fact that my presence helped this band start up is an incredibly uplifting feeling.

So, should you get involved? Yes! It is truly not that difficult to become a supporter of the local music scene. Simply just check our the local venues and their calendars. You will surprisingly see so many local bands scheduled to play. You can also, of course, check out social media! If you really want to help the local bands grow purchase their music! Lastly, talk about them! The best way to get information out in the world and local community it to simply tell people. I hope that one day, as many people will start to show their true support for the local music scene as I do because as of right now I feel like it is going unnoticed and that needs to change.

Since I am from Minnesota there are of course so many incredible local bands but, here are six of the local bands that I highly recommend:

1. Time Atlas

A local alternative band from Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Twitter: @TimeAtlas

Instagram: @Timeatlasmn


Youtube Link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeyIon-wogRthgTAk...

Itunes Link:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/clarity-ep/id100...

2. Whosah

A local personal indie-pop band from Minnesota.


Twitter: @WhosahOfficial

Instagram: @WhosahOfficial


Youtube Channel: Whosah Official

Itunes Link:https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/whosah/id382114...

Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/whosah

3. Color Tab

A local pop band from Minnesota.


Twitter: @ColorTab

Instagram: @ColorTabMusic


Youtube Link:https://www.youtube.com/user/ColorTabMusic

Itunes Link:https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/color-tab/id578...

Soundcloud Link:https://soundcloud.com/colortab

4. Colin Campbell & The Shackletons

A Twin Cities based band of three brothers playing rock & roll music.

Twitter: @TheShackletons

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1072087449552625/

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbFrvYmc-Xt39fToy...

Soundcloud Link:https://soundcloud.com/theshackletonsband/somethin...

5. A Better Hand

A local Pop Punk band from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Twitter: @ABetterHandBand

Instagram: @ABetterHandBand

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abetterhandbandofficial/?...

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLhJ2gq8QVyzu2r6...

6. New View

A local Minnesota Pop-Punk/Alternative Rock band.

Twitter: @NewViewBand

Instagram: @NewViewOfficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NEWVIEW.band.Minnesota/

Youtube Channel: NEWVIEW

Soundcloud Link:https://soundcloud.com/newviewband

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