Whoever Said You Were Too Old for Disney World Is So Wrong | The Odyssey Online
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Whoever Said You Were Too Old for Disney World Is So Wrong

The top ten reasons why you should go to Disney World as a childless millennial!

Whoever Said You Were Too Old for Disney World Is So Wrong

Imagine a place where your dreams come true, where all your worries disappear, and you get to live carefree for a however long you please. What if I told you that such a place actually exists, and it's called Disney World? Most people, when the idea of going to Disney World is brought up, all they can think about is the children who attend the theme parks. However, Disney is not just for children. It is a magical place filled with fun and entertainment for dreamers of all ages. But you may be asking yourself, what is there to do at Disney World as an adult? While exploring all four Disney parks here are the top ten magical adventures you can partake in as an adult

1.Drinking Around the World:

One of the most popular Disney World "adult" things to do is drink around the world in EPCOT's world showcase. Epcot stands for, experimental prototype community of tomorrow. This particular Disney theme park contains attractions and entertainment for dreamers of all ages. The theme park is split up into two sections. One section is named future world where guests can look through Walt Disney's eyes and see what he imagined the future is like. The other being the world showcase, where several countries' cultures are on display for all guests to enjoy. The world showcase consists of eleven countries that each exhibit their own unique cocktails or "adult" beverages. From margaritas in Mexico to grapefruit beer in Germany, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Walt Disney World has made traveling around the world a whole lot easier and a ton more fun!

2.Experiencing Luxurious Cuisine:

One of the best things almost everyone can agree on when it comes to traveling is getting to experience new cuisine. Well; Walt Disney World has so much food everyone can enjoy new types of foods, old foods, or anything their heart desires while on vacation. Especially, fancy cuisine for adults to enjoy while visiting. Why not enjoy an endless buffet that includes an appetizer, drinks, main courses, and dessert while watching the fireworks from inside Cinderella's castle? And of course, if that's not what you're in the mood for, there are two-hundred dining options all across Walt Disney World property to choose from. Each showcasing their own unique cuisine.

3.Taking Advantage of the Spas:

On Walt Disney World property there are two spas where guests can make reservations and enjoy being treated like royalty. These spas can be located within two of the resorts these being, Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa, as well as the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. Both spas offer services that include facials, massages, hair treatments, and much more. Also, within these spas, there are several other amenities for spa guests to enjoy. Including a state-of-the-art fitness center and a secluded hot tub for spa guests only. But of course, if you are unable to get a reservation at one of these spas or don't want to go, you can always find the spa products at the Walt Disney World Resort hotels merchandise stores.

4,Playing in the Parks Past Your Bedtime:

Going to the parks as a kid was always so exhausting, and your parents always made you return to the park by a specific "bedtime." And of course, at such a young age, you probably never realized just how much entertainment you were missing by having to go to bed. But, don't fret, because as an adult you'll get to stay and play in the parks for as long as you please. During peak season at Walt Disney World, the theme parks will remain open as late as midnight every night. There are also special ticketed events that guests can add to their theme park tickets that let them experience the parks after hours. And don't forget the extra magic hours that allow resort guests to stay in the parks for up to two hours before or after the park closes. While you're in the parks so late you'll get to enjoy, the firework shows, shorter wait times in lines as well as exclusive light shows in the parks. No matter what, there's plenty of things to do in the parks after dark, and because you're an adult, you're allowed to enjoy them all for as long as you would like or until the parks close of course.

5.Taking a Behind the magic Tour:

Have you ever wondered what goes into making the magic happen while at Walt Disney World? Well, look no further than the fourteen plus backstage tours Disney has to offer. You can schedule a private VIP tour of any of the parks and even take behind the scenes tours of different attractions individually. For instance, you can go behind the scenes and tour Kilimanjaro Safaris on a whole new level. You can also take a tour of the living with the land pavilion and see just exactly how the plants are grown. There are several other behind the magic tours that Disney offers to all of their guests, and as an adult, you're old enough to genuinely enjoy them all.

6.Shopping… Lots and Lots of Shopping

No matter where you go on Disney property, you will have the opportunity to shop for whatever it is you may need or want while you're visiting. When going to the parks, you will have a chance to visit any merchandise store and find park-specific merchandise as well as all different types of Walt Disney World merchandise. While staying at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel, you will also be able to stop by one of their many gift shops and find merchandise specific to that hotel, other Disney merchandise, and of course products like toothbrushes, sunscreen basically anything you may have left at home but still need during your stay. The most popular place for adults to enjoy shopping while at Disney is taking a trip down to Disney Springs. While visiting Disney Springs, you will have the chance to shop at many name brand stores as well as the World of Disney merchandise store. No matter what you're in the mood for buying, you'll be able to shop for it anywhere you go on property.

7.Stay at the Fancy Resorts

Let's face it Disney resorts, tickets, merchandise, everything about Disney is not the cheapest. We all know that booking for a family is not cheap at all. But when you travel to Disney as an adult, you can look into staying at a deluxe resort hotel. When booking a trip to Walt Disney World, you may have a choice of up to thirty resort hotels to choose from. There are also different categories of resorts, these being deluxe, moderate, and value resorts. The luxurious resorts include the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa, the Animal Kingdom Lodge, Wilderness Lodge, and many more. Staying at a Walt Disney World Resort hotel will give you as a guest special privileges in the park but staying at a deluxe resort will make you feel like royalty while visiting Disney World.

8.Doing the Tiny Magical Games

Everyone who visits Disney World knows of all the rides and entertainment that are offered for everyone to enjoy. But, did you know that there are little games that guests can enjoy while visiting property? Most guests do not, and as a child, these games seem minuscule and not worth your time. But as an adult, you'll have plenty of time to slow down and enjoy them all. Some of these games include, Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom, hidden Mickey hunting, and several scavenger hunts that people make and post on the internet. And while you're not rushing around the parks to meet characters or get in line for the most popular attractions, you'll be able to take your time and partake in these Disney games.

9.Ride all the Rides You Want

At Disney, one of their primary concerns is the safety of both their guests and their cast members. This is why a majority of the more prominent attractions have height requirements for their riders. One of the biggest concerns for kids and their families when visiting Disney is if they will be tall enough to enjoy all of the rides. Well, as an adult, you don't have to worry about the height requirements. You can ride any ride you please until your heart's content. Also, when traveling to the parks with children who are too short to ride the attractions, you have to worry about what to do so you as the adult can ride the ride. So, when traveling the parks childless, you'll get to ride the rides worry-free.

10.Experience the Magic on a Whole New Level:

Everyone always says that Disney is for kids and that you're supposed to look at it through a child's eyes. But most children cannot even remember their Disney World vacations because they were not old enough to truly enjoy the magic. That is why going as an adult opens up a whole new world of opportunities. As an adult, you will have the patience to sit through and watch all of the shows, ride all of the rides even have meet and greets with your favorite characters. Just because you're an adult does not mean that you cannot find magic in visiting and enjoying the Walt Disney World Theme Parks.

Disney is known for being the most magical place on earth why shouldn't everyone be allowed to enjoy the magic? There are several things to do throughout the parks for everyone of all ages to enjoy a magical day at Disney World. You just have to find what you enjoy and always let your conscience be your guide!

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