When I go home for the summer I am always lucky to work at an awesome bridal store. Its much different from my job at school working at Long Island Bagel. But my job at the bridal suite has taught me a few things.
While many people think working with all women is tough, they couldn't be more wrong. Sure there are moments where we may want to attack another person, but at the end of the day we all appreciate each other more than one could imagine.
First I will tell you working with all women has been so much fun, we have so many crazy moments that I didn't think I could ever laugh as much as I have while working.
Second we have been able to cry together when times are tough, or when the day has been one that never ends. Over the years our whole team has had upsetting things happen, but we were all able to be there for each other.
Third, these women have taught me so much about life, love and happiness. Life is crazy and we make plans and sometimes those plans don't work out and they were the ones that taught me sometimes to just embrace whatever happens. Well we work in a bridal store and we learn lots about love, but we also learn about how maybe love sometimes doesn't work out as planned.
Fourth there is drama and we learn to get over it, it is all about team work. We have learned that we may not get along 100% but we push it aside to make sure things run as smooth as possible.
Lastly even though some of us come and go over the years, we never loose touch, we always can still make each other laugh and reconnect like no other group of women.
So working with all women may be crazy and strange at first, but we learn to really grow with each other, and you learn so much more than you probably thought was possible. We grow in new areas and find new strengths.