What To Do When You Have The Political Blues
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Politics and Activism

What To Do When You Have The Political Blues

Politics is a painful gray area - but it doesn't have to be.

What To Do When You Have The Political Blues

Politics is a painful gray area for me growing up more blue than anything in a deep red state. I naturally despise politics. My college government class was probably one of the most stressful (but entertaining) parts of my day. Even more so due to the fact that I took it the semester before dooms day election day occurred. Naturally, the current events pool that semester was overrun with reports of political disarray and fuming hatred for both (now) President-Elect Donald Trump and former FLOTUS Hillary Clinton. It was a very enlightening class no doubt, but it also got me down in the dumps thinking about the potential future our country is headed for.

Inauguration day is less than a week away. If you're anything like me, you might have a touch of the political blues. Unfortunately, the theory of "don't think about it and it won't be a problem" doesn't apply very well when it comes to politics, so, here are some tips on battling those political blues.

1. Remove yourself from the situation.

My first piece of advice to those who are uncomfortable when surrounded with political talk is to not get yourself in it in the first place. Easier said than done, I know, but just because those around you are talking political, it doesn't mean you have to give in and join. Yes, it might be tense, but make the choice to leave or politely decline inclusion in the conversation. Maybe even suggest a lighter conversation topic if things are particularly heavy. If all else fails, remove yourself from the environment, even if it's just into the next room (or into another part of your thoughts).

2. Be kind.

So, someone said something not so politically correct over the family holiday dinner, huh? Not everyone will be a ray of sunshine when it comes to political jabber - but you can be. It can be hard to hold your tongue when it comes to political issues you may or may not be passionate about, but you have to pick your battles. Speak when it's wise to and always be kind about it. No good comes from getting dirty - yes even to those who just don't get it and aren't kind about it either. Nothing gets under my skin more than watching as grown men and women argue in the comments section of Facebook, getting nowhere and serving their cause no good. Be mature. (Also, can we stop using the term "libtard"?)

3. Be open-minded.

Likewise to the advice on number 2, not only should you be kind to those with opposing political views, but be open-minded. Value the point of view they hold their opinions from and listen to what they have to say. You never know, they might have a good point that could change your stance. Even if they don't, respect their opinion and move on. Don't try to force your opinions on them - yes, even if they're forcing theirs on you.

4. Look for the positive.

It's hard to be positive in politics. Say you didn't get your way - there's no sense in moping about the turn of events that didn't go in your favor. Things won't always be right, or fair, or just by our personal standards, but it doesn't do to dwell on the negative. Look for the positive in all situations, and if there aren't any, pray the positive shows itself in time. Don't wish for the failure of a political figure even if you don't like them. They hold our nation in their hands, and if they fall, we all fall.

I know politics makes many, like myself, want to spontaneously combust, but we must withhold and try to be civil. Take a deep breath and remember these tips. We can't expect to see a change if we don't try for it - and we must try for it in the right way.

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