What's Your Major's Spirit Animal?
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What's Your Major's Spirit Animal?

Channel your major's spirit animal while you study for that next exam.

What's Your Major's Spirit Animal?

What animal best exemplifies the subject that you study?

Our college major is more than a pre-determined program of study that we chose to follow for four years. It is an expression of what interests us most and what we feel we can master and use to make our imprint on the world. It is undeniable that certain majors attract people of a certain disposition and that students of a given major exhibit certain traits. While we all may not fit into the cookie-cutter stereotypes that certain majors have attached to them, it is fun to consider what qualities make each major unique.

Here is a list of some college majors and the animals that best represent them.

Accounting: The Honey Bee

Among the many things honey bees are known for is their uncanny knack for structure and organization. Their lives are strictly structured to serve their demanding boss, the queen bee. They navigate the complex structure of the hive to help their community thrive.

Architecture: The Beaver

The beaver is the animal kingdom’s great builder. It constructs mighty dams to live in that are far more complex, more well-planned and more permanent than other animals’ dwellings. It creates a home that is efficient both for itself and for its environment. It effortlessly sculpts the environment around it to suit its needs and style.

Biology: The Dog

The dogs and puppies are wonderfully curious and inquisitive animals. The explore the backyard every day as if it is a new and fantastical natural wonderland. It thoroughly acquaints itself with nature, seeing, hearing, sniffing and even tasting everything within its reach. Nothing is too strange or too gross for it to inspect. It discovers with wide-eyed awe and wonder.

Chemistry: The Cat

The cat is as sharp and cunning as they come. Although it is haughty and looks down upon all others, they also have the capacity to be cooperative and whimsical. By nature, the cat is an ambitious hunter that uses its skills deftly and precisely to accomplish its goal.

Engineering: The Worker Ant

These amazing insects are a marvel worthy of respect. You never see ants idle or resting; they’re always busy and appear to be moving towards some kind of goal or destination. They are some of the best builders in the animal world, carving out complicated, highly specialized structures that serve the specific needs of the community. They are communal animals, capable of extraordinary teamwork and cooperation.

English: The Eagle

The eagle sees the world from a different view. High above all the land-dwelling animals, it sees the beautiful world in its fullness, horizon to horizon. It is immersed in an environment of contemplation and inspiration.

History: The Elephant

One of the most well-known characteristics of this gentle giant is its expansive memory. An elephant remembers the places it’s been, the animals it’s met and the experiences it has amassed through its long life. Its memory links it to a past environment that would otherwise be forgotten by all the other animals of the savannah.

Marketing: The Peacock

No one would ever call a peacock subtle. The flashy display of its tail feathers is a publicity campaign that cannot be matched by any other animal. It puts itself out there to win the attention of a female, rising above the competition. It is both notorious and impressive.

Math: The Octopus

This animal is often overlooked, but it is one of the most brilliant animals in the sea. It is not a show-off and prefers to work quietly, inconspicuously, but diligently. No other animal has the problem-solving abilities that the octopus has. It can solve puzzles, discover shortcuts through complicated mazes and overcome formidable obstacles. Its ability for solving problems proves that it is just as creative as it is clever.

Music: The Mockingbird

The mockingbird is a songbird known for mimicking the sounds that it hears around it and producing its own beautiful melodies. While this may seem very literal on the surface, the significance of this spirit-animal goes much deeper. The mockingbird brings beauty and happiness to the world around it. It can hear a mundane sound and reproduce it with a beautiful, unique interpretation. While some people may think that it’s not necessary to hear this bird making noise, a beautiful spring day wouldn’t be the same without it.

Political Science: The Lion

The lion is king of his domain. It works hard to ensure that its pride has everything it needs to be healthy, happy and prosperous. It may appear to other animals as a fearsome predator that does whatever it can to get ahead. In reality, however, the lion is responsible and community-minded, ensuring that those it is responsible for are satisfied.

Psychology: The Golden Retriever

The golden retriever is known as a kind, friendly and empathetic dog. Although it can’t understand language entirely, the golden retriever instinctively knows its human owner’s mood whether he is happy and wants to play, depressed and needs someone to cuddle with or scared and needs protection. The golden retriever’s knack for interpreting the human psyche makes it unique.

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