What Do You Wish Were Socially Acceptable
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What Do You Wish Were Socially Acceptable

Sycamore Speaks

What Do You Wish Were Socially Acceptable

"Do me favor. Take this index card and jot down three things that are socially unacceptable that you wish people would embrace."

I assigned this challenge to a handful of UMass Amherst students living on the fifth floor of Sycamore House. Reactions varied. While some were eager to snatch the card from my hand, others hesitated; a few even went as far as to ask, "Wait. what do you mean by 'socially unacceptable.'

After multiple people posed this question I realized I had forgotten a simple principle in conducting this spontaneous, middle of the night, social experiment; it's all about perception.

Though we can all reach various mutual conclusions regarding what is generally "socially acceptable," thanks to the basic morals, values, and norms the vast majority deems righteous, intrinsic thought processes, like how one internally, perceives and evaluates a situation must be taken into consideration. Not all people think the same shit is right.

That being said society is bound to contradict itself; we can never all be on the same page.

So when these fellow floor mates threw that question at me, "what do you mean by socially unacceptable," I simply told them, "envision yourself in a situation you, yourself think is unfavorable, and in that moment think about what your initial response to that situation would be if no one was watching, versus your 'edited' response to please those around you."

After considering this the students began to envision societal situations they perceived as socially unacceptable, thanks to society itself that is.

For example, clothing.

I engaged in fruitful conversation with one student regarding their comment on clothing. They agreed that wearing clothing was socially acceptable whereas not wearing it could give off "the wrong idea."

Clothing was initially utilized to warm ourselves, not so that we, oh so intellectual humans, could go on, forming ridiculous assumptions regarding one's character, because of them.

Various health issues are linked to clothing as well-but I'll save that for another article some other time.

"You could go without wearing clothes, I wouldn't care, no one would care." one student claimed. To this remark I simply said, "So if I lay here on this bed naked in front of you, you wouldn't care?" Without thinking twice she replied, "Yeah I wouldn't as long as you were under the covers!"

Sometimes I 'can't' with humans.

Nonetheless, I compiled a list of some interesting entries written on these index cards. These are some things your fellow classmates would wish society would learn to embrace.

#1. Going Bra-less- "Why do we have to suffer because of some socially accepted "boob boost" look?"

#2. Saying No-"Why is it socially acceptable to slave around for others, and unacceptable to stand your ground, or take care of yourself?"

#3. Scratching Private Parts in Public-"It's itchy. I want to itch it, and I should be able to."

#4. Farting-"Why can't I just release my gas without a billion negative comments and reactions from people who'll do the same when they have a moment to themselves?"

#5.Shaving-"Why should only girls have to shave to keep up with the ideal beauty standard?"

#6. Guys Hitting Girls-"If she's crazy, and is coming at me, how am I the bad guy for protecting myself; blaming the victim much?"

#7. PublicDisplay of Anger-"People get angry; I get angry, and sometimes I want to throw shit out the window, or smash some chinaware, doesn't mean I'm violent, just means I'm angry, and I should be allowed to let folks know that without receiving concerning glances."

#8. Being Introverted "As Fuck"-"Alone time is gold. I wish people didn't take it personally when I just kind of disappear for a while, leave dinner before friends have finished, lock the room door, or proceed to do various shit, solo."

#9. Sleeping in Class When Exhausted-"Society expects us to be mature. Society also expects us to be super-humans, juggling multiple tasks, and running off only a few hours of sleep. If I'm tired, I wish I could just sleep without being treated like a lazy piece of !#$%. Why is it socially acceptable to put yourself through hell, but unacceptable to cater to your own mental health?"

#10. Talking to Yourself-"We all do it. It helps us comprehend new information, preps us for real life conversation, and sometimes just helps us get our lives together. It's really nothing taboo, and shouldn't be treated as such."

Well, take that Society.

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