What About Thanksgiving?
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What About Thanksgiving?

Halloween Christmas, What about Thanksgiving?

What About Thanksgiving?

One night you are wearing a cape and eating enough candy to make any dentist scream, and the next you are drinking peppermint mochas from a Starbucks red cup and hearing Drummer boy on the radio. It still amazes me that November 1st significantly marks when all the Halloween candy goes half price and candy canes go on sale. How does it happen so fast? Was it always like this?

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite day of the year, and it saddens me to see how unnoticed it has become. When I was a kid I remember taking down the fake spiders and replacing them with turkey cutouts and had plenty of time to enjoy these figures before we even thought about bringing out the tree. When people ask me why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (with raised eyebrows and a confused look on their face) I want them to stop thinking that I love the feeling of being overly stuffed to the point where I can barely waddle around (even though yes I do). However, that is not the only reason. Here are 5 reasons why I love Thanksgiving and why we need to stop skipping over it.

1. Let’s just state the obvious, Food.

Corn bread sausage stuffing, dad’s once a year gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, Uncle Don’s pumpkin pie with a molasses crust, Aunt Alison’s sweet potatoes with marshmallows and ginger snaps, and lastly the turkey that is baking in spices and juices representing everything fall entails. The best part about the food is the people who made it (cheesy I know). At my house, everyone makes something. When you are sitting at the table and someone smiles, looks over at you and says “This is so delicious, I am definitely having seconds,” you feel special for being a piece to this meal, apart of this holiday.

2. No gifts.

Yes, yes, you probably think I’m lying, who doesn’t like gifts? I do love gifts, but I feel that as you get older gifts become more of a stress than an excitement (sad I know). Can I afford this? What should I get my grandma? Do you think that friend will get me a gift, what if she does and I don’t? How much money did my sister spend on me? This is a part of the holidays, but Thanksgiving is just as special and you don’t have to worry about money or thanking your mom’s cousin for giving you a sweater that doesn’t fit.

3. The post-feast walk.

This may only apply to my family, but every year after we eat we make ourselves go on a walk. We all bring special stretchy sweatpants for this occasion and know that if we make it around the block, we have been successful. There is something peaceful about walking with your family, looking at the houses that have already put up lights (surprisingly a lot), and almost being in silence (probably because of how full you are). During dinner, my grandparents make us go around in a circle and say one thing we are thankful for. Some of us are serious and some of us joke, but all of us are really just searching for an answer that is acceptable for a meal. During the walk, I have time to really reflect all I am thankful for. The meal I just ate, the family I am with, and the life I have.

4. Thanksgiving is understood.

Since coming to college, I have only been home once for Thanksgiving. The past two years I have spent it with my friend and her family. I was a little sad the first time I found out that I could not go home for Thanksgiving, to have the Thanksgiving I know and love. However, going home with my friend opened my eyes to why Thanksgiving really is the best holiday. It is the one holiday that only has one tradition set in stone, eat a meal with the people you love. Yes, there was different food on the table, but in a way I felt the same way I did at home. Happy to be where I was, with good company, good food, and no pressure.

5. You can have Thanksgiving anywhere.

Thanksgiving doesn’t need to have a tree or stockings. Thanksgiving can happen wherever you are. This year, my family is coming to me and we are cooking a full meal in my tiny apartment kitchen. My roommates and their parents will be here as well and I can just picture all of us eating off the beer pong table (that will be cleaned and covered with a table cloth) and drinking cider out of red solo cups. Guess what, it will be Thanksgiving. I wont be with my whole family around a dining room table laughing at old memories we have shared, I will instead be with friends sitting on the floor of our apartment sharing stories about Thanksgivings past and making new memories for the future.

I wish that Starbucks could come out with a cup covered in Turkeys, that grocery stores didn’t go immediately to red and green decorations right after Halloween night, and that we could maybe make up some more Thanksgiving songs other than Adam Sandler’s famous song. But, what I truly wish is that everyone would just take a breathe and not rush through life so fast. Take the time to enjoy November before December, Thanksgiving before Christmas, and to realize how life goes by quick we don’t need to speed it up anymore. Do something special this year for Thanksgiving, maybe it will become your favorite holiday too.

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