"We sometimes take for granted the simple things in life."
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"We sometimes take for granted the simple things in life."

"We sometimes take for granted the simple things in life."

Twelve things to be thankful for this November:

Ahhhhh, November. The one month we get to celebrate a holiday dedicated to family, friends and great food--Thanksgiving. There isn’t a bad thing about Thanksgiving, honestly! Everything from mashed potatoes to football to an endless cycle of napping sparks something to be thankful for. However, we sometimes forget and take for granted the simple things in life. Here’s a list of twelve things to be thankful for this November.

  1. Your Family

This goes without saying, as you should be thankful for them everyday. The people who know you more than you think. The people you can rely on without hesitation. The people with your best interests in mind. Be thankful for them, because they’re the foundation of who you are as a human being.

2.That kid that sits in the front of your math class

Be thankful for the kid that sits in front of you during math class, because she’s probably more motivated and more excited to be in class than you. Let’s face it: math’s not super exciting. But, to her, Math is her niche. Math is her escape. Math is where everything makes sense to her, where it’s the opposite for most of us. Find your niche, be thankful for someone being brave enough to act on this niche, and be courageous enough to show the world that it’s okay to love what you love.

3. Your passions

What a perfect segway into the next item to be thankful for! Your passions are what separate you from the crowd, even if your passions are the same. No one will ever have the exact same level of passion as another. Someone will be willing to go the extra mile, or to put in the extra hour of work. Be thankful for what you find interesting, and what you can contribute to society to make it the most creatively functioning establishment possible.

4. A warm bed to sleep in

Crazy concept: not everyone has a warm bed to sleep in. In fact, 1.49 million Americans used homeless shelters in 2014, according to an article from The Economist. That’s 1.49 million people sleeping without warm sheets, 1.49 million people sleeping on a spring mattress, and 1.49 million people sleeping with less covering their bodies than you. Be thankful for what we take for granted.

5. Those fuzzy socks everyone loves

This is something I’ve always loved, and is meant to be a lighthearted add. Fuzzy socks make the world go around, and I refuse to believe otherwise.

6. Music

Music. Music. Music. It’s something most of us submerge ourselves within every hour of the day. We are a society thriving off the music industry, and even if it may not have the most positive impact, it’s something to be celebrated! The camaraderie shared between love for music and dance is incredible, in this day and age. Friendships, love and even work-related business has stemmed from the power of music, and we should all be eternally grateful for whatever our ears love to hear.

7. Your health

Health is essential, in both physical and mental forms. Taking a short break from studying will not drop your GPA, nor will watching a movie determine your success. It’s important to respect this health, as well, by taking care of yourself. Washing your hands frequently, as well as getting an adequate amount of sleep each night is essential to preserve health, even if it seems impossible. Be thankful for your health. It’s something denied to many individuals each and every day.

8. Your professors/teachers/mentors

Remember, your instructors are going to help guide you through life, and give you the tools needed to succeed later in life. They are the first people willing to help you strive, and grow, and prosper. Why wouldn’t we be thankful for them? There aren’t a lot of occupations that require a smile on their face every day, along with handling a ton of negativity. we should always be grateful for those teaching and pushing positivity into the world.

9. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other

Ahhhh, love. The one thing that has yet to diminish in this diminishing generation. People are still falling in love, or so we’d like to think. Because our generation has produced a lot of negativity, it’s frustrating to see how we, as a generation, feel so comfortable tearing apart relationships. And it’s astounding that some people in relationships are willing to sabotage what they have for something “better.” Be grateful of your SO, for they’re something to treasure and cherish for years to come.

10. Your grandparents

I mean, how can you not be grateful for your grandparents? How can you ever wish badly on old people, in general? Most of them stuff you with food and hand over cash every time you see them (not that that is any reason to love them more/less)! They’ve raised their children to raise you. They’re supportive of every decision, no matter what it may seem. Grandparents are the parents that know your parents better than you do! Trust them. Love them. Appreciate them.

11. Your artistry

Isn’t it interesting to think that no one has ever seen the world as you see it? No one has ever seen red, or blue, or green the same way you have. No one has ever heard music the way you’ve heard it. No one’s ever smelled your smells, or tasted your tastes, or loved your love. It’s beautiful, really, to live in a world filled with artists. Everyone is an artist, in their own way. Be thankful for the artist inside you.

12. God

Last, but certainly not least, thank God. Thank God for everything: the food you eat, the friends you’ve made, the friends you’ve lost, the ex’s you despise, the dogs of the world, the sleep you didn’t get the night before, the love you feel like you’ve wasted, the love you have yet to give, the life you’ve yet to live, the family you’ve yet to make, the art you’ve yet to create, the sun in sky, the moon, and all the stars combined. Thank Him, and thank Him often.
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