I Got to Sit On the Famous Central Perk Couch from "Friends"
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I Got to Sit On the Famous Central Perk Couch from "Friends"

Warner Brothers Studio Tour's "Stage 48: Script to Screen" Puts You In The Spotlight

I Got to Sit On the Famous Central Perk Couch from "Friends"
Leigh Cummings

Last week, I got the chance to live out two of my lifelong dreams: to sit on the "Friends" couch at Central Perk, and ride a Nimbus 2000 around the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts. How was I able to achieve this? Warner Brothers infamous Studio Tour in Burbank, California, recently added a portion called Stage 48: Script to Screen. Starting on July 16th, visitors have been able to get up close and personal with the original set from one of the most popular shows in television history.

As part of the studio tour, visitors are driven on a tram by a tour guide through the backlot sets of Warner Brothers Studios and past sound stages, including Stage 24, which after being home to "Friends" for ten years has been lovingly labeled, "The Friends Stage."

After the driving tour, visitors are dropped off at a building on the Warner Brothers lot to experience the new addition Stage 48: Script to Screen. Right after entering the door, you can see the glass from the outside of Central Perk. Behind it is a real working coffee shop where you can buy souvenir "Central Perk" coffee mugs and get drinks inspired by all the characters, such as "The Joey," an ice blended mocha with extra whip, or "The Monica," a black tea lemonade.

When you enter the exhibit, you see examples of scripts, head shots, and demo reels, and learn about the initial pre-production process of the film industry, including set design and costuming. After this, you get to the piece de resistance: the iconic Central Perk set. Not only do you get to see the authentic set, you get to experience it. Not only can visitors sit on the couch and hold coffee mugs, but you have the opportunity to act out a scene from an episode as if you are part of a real screen test.

This part of the experience also includes original costumes and props from the show, including Joey's refrigerator and the foosball table.

Recognize Monica's see-through shirt from season nine, "The One Where Monica Sings," and Ross' leather pants from season five, "The One With All The Resolutions?"

Stage 48: Script to Screen does not only include memorabilia from "Friends" though. Visitors also have the opportunity to see the beach house set from "Two and a Half Men," the boxing gloves Hillary Swank wore in "Million Dollar Baby," the flying Ford Anglia from "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," the original Wonder Woman Costume, and many more authentic props.

Finally, the Stage 48: Script to Screen part of the Warner Brothers Studio Tour experience gives visitors the chance to learn about post-production and special effects and experience green screen technology firsthand. Visitors can fly through London and Hogwarts on Harry Potter's Nimbus 2000, spin through space like Sandra Bullock in "Gravity," or race through the streets of Gotham on the Bat-pod.

The gift shop is full of exciting objects, from Batman and Superman t-shirts to Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans to "Bazinga!" shot glasses. Iconic props can even be viewed in the gift shop, including the white dog statue from Chandler and Joey's apartment on "Friends."

If you find yourself in southern California, stop by the Warner Brothers Studio and experience the magic of the film industry!

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