A Fond Farewell to Jon Stewart
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A Fond Farewell to Jon Stewart

Saying Goodbye After 16 Years

A Fond Farewell to Jon Stewart

I, like many others my age, used to stay up all the way to a whopping 10 PM just to watch "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart." Now that he is leaving, I feel like a part of my childhood just became archaic. Stewart was willing to call any politician out, Democrat or Republican. He was willing to sacrifice the humor at times when the nation needed to be somber. He was always willing to try to fix whatever problems he could – from basically helping pass a first responder's bill, to getting a potentially harmful show off the air. For that he will go down in my book as a great anchor, and a great man.

Here's a look back at my five top "Daily Show" moments that changed the way I looked at the world.

Stewart's Monologue Post 9/11

The entirety of the United States came to a collective halt for a few days after 9/11. When Stewart's show came back on the air, the usual humor was missing. Instead, a somber Stewart addressed the audience, trying not to cry. He recounted a similar experience from when he was five years old – when Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed. He spoke of how rebuilding after tragedies are basically what makes America what it is today. Stewart said, "This attack happened. It's not a dream. But the aftermath of it, the recovery, is a dream realized. And that is Martin Luther King's dream. Whatever barriers we put up are gone. Even if it's just momentary." I feel his words ring true about most tragedies that hit America, from Katrina to MLK's assassination. His tears during this monolog stuck with me years after the words had been spoken.

Indecision 2000

On a lighter note, "The Daily Show" first really started to gain national attention during the 2000 Election season. Stewart and his team (including Steven Colbert, Lewis Black, and Steve Carrell) basically covered all the drama and nonsense of the 2000 elections and the debate between whether or not Gore had actually won. After being on the air for four years, this catapulted Stewart's show into the limelight. The coverage also won the show a Peabody Award. Around Indecision 2000 is when my family first started tuning into "The Daily Show," and we've never really tuned out since then.

The Malala Interview

Malala Yousafzai is an incredible person. She is one of the most influential leaders in the world today, and when she sat down with Stewart, they basically broke the internet. Malala has addressed the United Nations, survived an assassination attempt from the Taliban, and even schooled President Obama on the issues of drone strikes. She talked to Stewart candidly, and even left him speechless at some points. In a quote that will most likely be included with the likes of Mother Teresa, the 16-year-old Malala said "You must not treat others with cruelty and that harshly, you must fight others but through peace and through dialogue and through education." The entire interview was incredible, and probably my favorite interview Stewart has ever done.

The Eric Garner Staten Island Grand Jury's Decision

One of the major debates America is facing today is the racially charged killings by police. The killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson was a year ago, but it brought attention to a prevalent issue. Stewart's rant concerning one death, in particular, struck a nerve in the heart of his viewers. After the murder of Eric Garner was caught on film by a witness, the officer, who held Garner down in an illegal choke hold until Garner died, faced charges. The Staten Island grand jury, however, decided not to indict the officer. Stewart had clearly had enough. Stewart confessed "I honestly don't know what to say. If comedy is tragedy plus time, I need more [expletive] time." This was a poignant moment for me because I had felt frustrated and unheard voicing my opinions on the Black Lives Matter movement. To have someone in a position of power and the ability to make his voice heard agree with the way you feel is fantastic. Stewart has never been quiet about his views, but his rant concerning Garner really hit me hard.

Taking His Leave

After 16 years on the air, Stewart announced his departure shortly after Colbert left The Colbert Report in February. Stewart's reasoning behind leaving was that he "[knew] in [his] heart... it is time for someone else to have that opportunity." I teared up when he announced it. I had basically grown up around him, and he played a huge factor in my current political and world views. When he decided to leave the show, it felt like an era was ending for me.

Thank you, Jon Stewart, for all you have done for this country – whether it was mocking politicians or holding the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. You have opened my eyes to so much, and you've had a hand in shaping who I am today. Thank you for an incredible 16 years, and I look forward to whatever you have in store.

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