Wilson Ford on OdysseyWilson Ford
Wilson Ford

Wilson Ford

Username: wilsonford

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am an avid fisherman, a lover of the outdoors, and a connoisseur of literature about the sea. Victor Hugo's "Toilers of the Sea" is my all time favorite. I am an English major who hopes to eventually go to medical school and become a heart surgeon. I am eager to pursue doctoral studies, but I cannot yet divorce myself from my love of literature so I am majoring in English. I hope to write for the Odyssey because I enjoy writing, I have stark opinions on some issues, and I want to make my voice heard. I tend to think about things differently than most. For instance, I am the only person I know who does not have a smart phone. I think I can bring an interesting perspective to my college community.

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