Wafa Demashkiah on Odyssey Wafa Demashkiah
Wafa Demashkiah

Wafa Demashkiah

Username: wafademashkiah

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Ever since I graduated high school I have had this urge to inspire people and make a difference in peoples lives. I was born with congenital heart disease and since I was little have had multiple surgeries, but I have never let my disease set me back or define who I am. I can easily relate to people who have gone through a hard times in their life. For I have dealt with many emotional and physical problems that can arise from having a heart condition and struggling with health problems. Currently I am a freshman student at Baylor University and could not be happier of where I am and the people I am surrounded with. I would not only like to give advice and write to people dealing with a struggle but also spread positivity in everyones life.

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