Victoria Almendarez on OdysseyVictoria Almendarez
Victoria Almendarez

Victoria Almendarez

Username: victoriaalmendarez

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    As a student of color at Stonehill, I dedicate time to educate others on race issues that happen on campus (meritocracy, microaggressions, etc.) and our society as a whole. I also identify as an intersectional feminist that cares about women's issues and how they differ from person to person depending on their other identities. For example, a White woman, who identifies as trans and has a physical disability has a very different experience from a Latina woman who is currently an undocumented citizen and has an eating disorder. This means that I try to stay educated on the struggles or privileges that come with each identity and the social issues they tie in with. My goal in life is to give a voice to the underrepresented or ignored. Writing for The Odyssey would be a great outlet for me to do that while also promoting change and consciousness at Stonehill.

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