Thomas Haase on OdysseyThomas Haase
Thomas Haase

Thomas Haase

Username: thomashaase

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm currently finishing up my 8th semester here at Kent State University. I originally came in as a zoology major but my interests shifted to public and visual communication which I have been pursuing for the past three years. I will be graduating in December of 2016. I would describe myself as the jack-of-all-trades. I find that my interests vary greatly, and that I have a lot of opportunities to be happy in whatever career I choose to pursue. I'm also a very persistent individual in the sense that if life knocks me down, I won't stop getting up and to keep going for what I strive to become or achieve. Currently my ideal career would be to work in an entertainment studio as a communication specialists in jobs such as human resources, talent scouting, art directing, and public relations just to name a few. I feel that my education in Communication gives me the skillsets necessary to pursue whatever it is that I choose to do, or to excel at whatever it is I was chosen to do.

    The Odyssey has an amazing platform for creative individuals to post their version of news that I feel is very refreshing in the light of most news media. I'm what some would call "social media savvy". I understand how most, if not all, social media sites are formatted and how they function. The Odyssey is an amazing advancement in my college and professional career.

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