Tessa Scoble on OdysseyTessa Scoble
Tessa Scoble

Tessa Scoble

Username: tessascoble

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am a freshman at Seattle University, seeking to double major in Cultural Anthropology and Gender Studies. I hope to later apply my degrees to a career in human rights law. I am extremely passionate about fighting inequality in all arenas, especially in cases of gender inequality. In high school I was actively involved in community service, through clubs and on my own. I love writing, and have consistently pursued opportunities to better and expand my written skills. I have taken honors and AP English classes all through high school, and repeatedly scored very well in all classes and English based standardized tests (Although I am vehemently against standardized tests across the board). I think writing articles for The Odyssey would both provide me with the medium through which to improve my written capabilities, and give me a chance to bring awareness to cases of inequality across the country and the globe.

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