Supriya Caton on OdysseySupriya Caton
Supriya Caton

Supriya Caton

Username: supriyacaton

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am a freshman at NC State and I love my school. I live in central campus and have met my best friends here. All of them are in sorority life however I'm not so I've gotten a very interesting perspective this past year. My passion is mental health awareness and on college campuses people tend to be unaware how prevalent mental illnesses are. My living arrangements have allowed me to become very close with a group of about 10 girls and while becoming close with them I've learned about things they struggle with and I know they're not the only ones. I would love to write articles for the Odyssey that touch on some of the common struggles in college however also giving some advice on how to tackle problems.

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