Stacey Keba on OdysseyStacey Keba
Stacey Keba

Stacey Keba

Username: staceykeba

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    When my roommate's family came to visit one weekend, they asked her if I still shared the room with her. I did, but besides the blanket on my bed, you wouldn't know it.

    Over the past six months, I have worked hard to downsize my belongings with the end goal of being able to fit everything I own in just a of couple suitcases and a backpack. In less than half an hour, I can pack up everything I own (or as much as I feel like bringing) for any opportunity that comes my way.

    As a 21-year-old college student and minimalist, I never feel richer than when I have just a bag over my shoulder and the world at my fingertips (both online and IRL). With a clutter free mind and not having to worry about paying the rent, I have more time to pursue my passions such as writing fiction and creative non-fiction, journalism, acting, photography, and filming and editing videos.

    I’m always looking for a new experience to write about, so if you’ve got a rad topic for me to put my spin on, feel free to contact me directly at I’ll make an adventure out of the opportunity for the both of us.

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