Shana Gordon on OdysseyShana Gordon
Shana Gordon

Shana Gordon

Username: shanagordon

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    My name is Shana Gordon, I'm 18 years old and I'm a freshman Theatre Arts major. Over the years I've developed a deep connection with music, acting, and writing. They were the three things that allowed me to feel and have my vulnerable moments. These three things that were once a hobby, that are now my life, gave me the chance to explore my mind and express what was going on in my mind. Nothing gives me greater joy that creating art, whether it'll be me performing it, or me writing it down on paper and giving it to someone to perform. My ultimate goals is to continue to perform, but also become a writer and tell stories through plays and inspire children to continue to create art. The Odyssey Online is one of my favorite websites and I would love to be able to contribute to the amazing articles shared with the public. I want to be able to inspire, open peoples eyes, and perspectives about either life in general, pop culture, social justice, or something about themselves.

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