Samantha Gettis on Odyssey Samantha Gettis
Samantha Gettis

Samantha Gettis

Username: samgettis13

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    The Odyssey has an article for everyone. If I am having a bad day, an incredible day, a weird day, or just a plain, old usual day, I always know that I can scroll through the Odyssey and find something perfectly applicable to my mood. The Odyssey lets you know that there is someone out there feeling exactly the same you are. The Odyssey will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel content and uncomfortable. When people share Odyssey articles on social media, more often than not, it is captioned with the familiar phrase: "so accurate." Through this well-established, inspirational platform, I will bring every day thoughts to life in a creative fashion. I will bring to the Odyssey opinionated articles based on every day ideas, worries and events that will make you say, "and all this time I thought it was JUST me!" The Odyssey will be my platform to show the world that it is not just you. You are never alone whether it is for the better or the worse. My articles may make you laugh until you can not breathe, or cry until there are no tears left. However, at the end of the day my writing will have meaning, and it will touch somebody, somewhere in a way that nobody else can.

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