Sabrina Lowder on OdysseySabrina Lowder
Sabrina Lowder

Sabrina Lowder

Username: sabrinalowder

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    My life goal is to have a TED talk. But I would like to spend the majority of my life understanding the different oppressed groups within the world, and how to rid that oppression. I am specifically interested in women's rights (multi-cultural specifically), the LGBTQ community, sex education, and policy. To be honest, there is a lot that I am interested in and I have no idea where I want to put my passion. But I know that I have a lot of it, and that I feel strongly about being inclusive and trying to get people to talk about the things they might feel uncomfortable talking about. I would like to be a part of the Odyssey because I have a lot of things to say that I think are worth being read. The more I am in college, the more I realize that almost all of us are going through this weird and surreal experience where none of us really know what we're doing. I want to share my experiences, and relate to others through them.

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