Bekah Rhea on OdysseyBekah Rhea
Bekah Rhea

Bekah Rhea

Username: rebekahrhea

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am a junior double major pursuing a career in social justice. I love traveling, researching, public speaking, and being an advocate for those whose voices get drowned out by this world. I aspire for the grace of Jesus Christ to be evident in all that I do, and occasionally I succeed. I love to write about real life with a good spoonful of humor. I also pen the occasional poem or spoken word. I have cerebral palsy, which means in my case that my brain and my legs don't communicate well, and I often use crutches or a wheelchair to get around. It keeps me humble and introspective, and every day I am learning to love who God has created me to be. I want to write and edit for the Odyssey to share my passion with others, to stimulate important conversations and change, to inspire and to be honest with the world. The media is obviously full of negativity, but it is also full of those who choose to display only the positive, shiny, pristine parts of life. This causes us humans to play the comparison game, to convince ourselves we are "less than." I want to share my desire for justice with the world and represent the disabilities community, GWU, and my Lord and Savior. But I want to do that in a way that is real, true-to-life, down to earth, and honest. I want to help people remember that we all need a little grace, and that's okay.

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