AboutI am a junior accounting major at SUNY Binghamton. While I aspire to work as a certified public accountant one day, I have always loved to write. I love expressing my feelings through my writing and am so excited to be a part of the Odyssey team.My Odyssey Link Copy
Student Life7 Things I'm Using To My Advantage These Last Few Weeks Of The Semester by Rebecca KreutzerAt SUNY Binghamton
Student Life8 Things You'll Only Understand If You Went To Sleep Away Camp by Rebecca KreutzerAt SUNY Binghamton
LifestyleYes, I Chose Binghamton University Despite Its Weather Problems by Rebecca KreutzerAt SUNY Binghamton
Student LifeAn Open Letter To The Binghamton University Library by Rebecca KreutzerAt SUNY Binghamton
Politics and Activism5 Times "Parenthood" Pulled At My Heartstrings by Rebecca KreutzerAt SUNY Binghamton
Lifestyle6 Things You Know To Be True If You're From Westfield, NJ by Rebecca KreutzerAt SUNY Binghamton