Raquel Phillips on OdysseyRaquel Phillips
Raquel Phillips

Raquel Phillips

Username: raquelphillips

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Ever since I was in high school, I have enjoyed writing, whether it be fictional stories or non-fiction. I've learned that writing is one of the most efficient forms of expressing oneself, even if you write on your own, without sharing it with others. I have done this for quite some time, keeping diaries, journals, you name it. But I have also found that as I've gotten older and experienced much more of the world, my writing horizon has broadened greatly, and I write about things that I actually wouldn't mind sharing with others - things people may actually get some value out of. I've been wanting to write for a published source for a while now, but with my busy schedule of work and school i haven't had the chance. My friend told me about the Odyssey Online and how she wanted to start a Babson group, so I figured this was the perfect opportunity to test out my skills as a writer.

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