Rachel Chanderdatt on OdysseyRachel Chanderdatt
Rachel Chanderdatt

Rachel Chanderdatt

Username: rachelchanderdatt2

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Awareness is everything, and in the growing community so attached to social media, information seems to be easily accessible. Whether that information is true or false is another issue altogether. I am a big sider with the real information, based on facts, backed by data. Writing for my high school paper, I would do more research then writing, because how things are relayed to the masses is a big impact on our society. Though my writing could be quite serious, I do like creative writing in a sense. I was apart of the New York based writing programs, Girls Write Now. This allowed me to work with a mentor on my writing. With this program, one of my short stories were published, another won the Scholastic Silver Key, and another won the Random House award too. I would say I would bring a pretty versatile writing style to the community.

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