Quinten Brasher on OdysseyQuinten Brasher
Quinten Brasher

Quinten Brasher

Username: quintenbrasher

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I hail from West Tennessee in the one red-light town of Adamsville. I'm a college student at Middle Tennessee State University studying Recording Industry. I've been writing since I was around eight years old; mostly songs and short stories. As I got older, I began to see how words and rhymes could touch the lives of those who read them. It was then that I became more serious in my writing, and since that time, I've written over 50 contemporary Christian songs and numerous creative and opinion pieces. I consider myself a Conservative Republican and have gotten more interested in politics over the past year. I'm also a lover of sports, movies, history, food, etc. so there's really no telling what you'll hear from me.

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