Natasha Yurek on OdysseyNatasha Yurek
Natasha Yurek

Natasha Yurek

Username: natashayurek

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hi there! My name is Natasha Yurek, and I am a sophomore at Syracuse University and a Broadcast and Digital Journalism major in the S.I. Newhouse School of Pubic Communications with a minor in Political Science. On campus, I am quite involved in CitrusTV, the student-run news station, as an Associate producer and crew member, with experience in anchoring. Additionally, I am a Technology Specialist at the Newhouse Cage/Labs and Editing suites, a U100 Student Ambassador/Tour Guide, Otto's Army member and member of an all-girls hip-hop group on campus.

    Career-wise, I am working towards anchoring/reporting with a focus in hard, world-wide news. I have a lifelong goal of bringing hard news and worldwide journalism back into relevance of the youth in this fast-paced, progressive generation. I hold strong interest in international affairs, changing cultural dynamics and evolving societal patterns and how they are expressed through broadcast journalism. As an active contributor of content in the Internet world, my primary objective is to help share unbiased, accurate and trustworthy news that will help educate younger minds rather than disrupting them and urge them to be active citizens as well.

    As for personal interests, I have always been active in the fine arts, whether it be dancing, acting, singing or playing the viola. I love writing, reading, poetry, cooking, animals and the outdoors. Other special skills include telling punny dad jokes, laughing in awkward situations, being awesome at board games and offering sarcastic humor with a thick layer of self - depreciation.

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