Maggie Yates on OdysseyMaggie Yates
Maggie Yates

Maggie Yates

Username: mky2h

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    "Kind words are like honey- sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." -Proverbs 16:24

    Hi, friends! I firmly believe that words have power, and I'm so excited to share my words with you. I hope that in my stories you find hope, encouragement, and maybe even a good laugh. I'm a small town girl from Middle Tennessee with big dreams. I'm living to make an impact for the kingdom of God, embracing every journey He leads me on. A current journey I am on just so happens to be a crazy one called college. I'm majoring in Elementary Education; one of my many passions is working with children. I aspire to make a lasting impression on my future students and constantly make them feel loved. I hope my writing inspires and encourages you to be authentic and enjoy every season of life. God bless!

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