Megan Dusenberry on OdysseyMegan Dusenberry
Megan Dusenberry

Megan Dusenberry

Username: megpielovespiegmail-_-com

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hello, my name is Megan Dusenberry and I’m currently a graphic design student attending the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I have been at AIP for over two years now and I plan to graduate in December 2016. From my first quarter to now I have grown so much as a designer but I still have a lot of room to grow. Through my time as a designer I have grown a love for branding, packaging and print work. My hobbies include designing and scrolling through I really cannot describe the passion I have for designing. The best feeling in the world is when I show a client my design and they fall in love with it the look on their face and the excitement they have brings myself joy. As a designer I really never want to stop learning and growing. When I am done with school I want to be able to acquire a job that will help me to continue to grow as a designer. I can not wait for what the future has in store for me.

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