AboutJust a 19 year old girl majoring in English at SHSU hoping to change the world one article at a time. My Odyssey Link Copy
Student Life20 Things You'll Miss When You Go To College by Masey WhiteAt Sam Houston State University
Student Life23 Tips 'Monsters University' Gives To Make the Most Out Of College by Masey WhiteAt Sam Houston State University
Entertainment11 YouTube Channels For When You're Procrastinating by Masey WhiteAt Sam Houston State University
Politics and ActivismI'm Planning My Career Around My Future Children by Masey WhiteAt Sam Houston State University
Relationships11 Things You Experience When You Adopt A Kitten by Masey WhiteAt Sam Houston State University
Politics and ActivismWhy Pokémon Go Is Exactly What The World Needs Right Now by Masey WhiteAt Sam Houston State University