Mary Anna Tucker on OdysseyMary Anna Tucker
Mary Anna Tucker

Mary Anna Tucker

Username: marytucker2

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm just a country mouse that ended up going to college in the big city! I've loved writing since I was a little girl; science and English were my favorite classes(weird combination?). Since entering the school of sciences, I haven't gotten to write as much I have wanted. I believe working for The Odyssey is not just an opportunity to express myself through writing again, but to be a voice for the students in my little CBU community. Ever since moving to Memphis, I've fallen in love with the city. I've even started driving here! But that's a story for a future article (hint, hint). From my first time going to Gibson's to my first time driving down Poplar Avenue, I've loved every minute of it. The next activity on my road to becoming a true "memphian" is to eat at Central Barbecue; which is apparently a mortal sin that I've never eaten there.

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