Mary Kate Eberle on OdysseyMary Kate Eberle
Mary Kate Eberle

Mary Kate Eberle

Username: marykateeberle

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I have recently developed this newfound love for writing. For my media writing class this semester I had to write three articles on whatever topic interested me. This was the spark, I picked a topic I was passionate about and the words just flowed from there! I chose to write about what it is like coming from a large family, the combination of humor and sentimental remarks truly made this publication applicable to all people. After I published this publication I thought why not make this a regular thing! I am from Milwaukee, I have insight into the segregation, poverty, and racial issues Milwaukee faces. With that being said, I also have insight into the beautiful, cultured, ethnic side Milwaukee has to offer. An amazing city I call my home that I would love to not only explore more but connect with the community through this blog. With that being said, I am studying abroad next semester in Cape Town South Africa and would love to make this life-changing experience I am about to have applicable to people at Marquette! I have nine brothers and sisters that provide not only joy and happiness but also chaos and stress! I can not imagine a better way to bring new perspective to The Odyssey than through my personal experiences with my family, the city of Milwaukee, study abroad, and Marquette.

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