Mary Clare Walsh on OdysseyMary Clare Walsh
Mary Clare Walsh

Mary Clare Walsh

Username: mary-walsh

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Two words: go frogs.

    I'm a Memphian who is interested in all things pop culture while maintaining an elusively cool taste in nothing mainstream. Except Taylor Swift. And One Direction. Kings of Leon rule my life, as does fashion. I love TCU and pretty much everything that comes with it. On the weekends you can find me either at my favorite bar, Landmark, or in my room binge watching everything on Netflix. In my free time, I like to pretend I possess Miley Cyrus' vocal talents, and spout Harry Potter trivia. My greatest accomplishment to date is watching all of Friends in three and a half weeks. Follow me on Twitter (too soon? oh well, no ragrets).

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