Lauren Jones on OdysseyLauren Jones
Lauren Jones

Lauren Jones

Username: lowenjenna

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hola! I'm a 20-year-old from Las Cruces, New Mexico. The good 'ole Land of Enchantment. Oh how the sun's rays beat down on me and give me a sunburn. I go to school for Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism Management at New Mexico State University in hopes to become a world class event and wedding planner- a girl can dream right? I'm an avid napper, dog lover, and coffee drinker a well as maker... #BaristaLife. I try to be funny but when people laugh it's mostly just at me because my jokes and witty remarks are probably the most Dad-like as ever before. I'll try to entertain you, keep up if you like :)

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