AboutAvid reader and Netflix binger living in Charlotte, NC with amazing friends and family!My Odyssey Link Copy
Student Life15 Signs You Grew up In a Small Town by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte
Student LifeLoving North Carolina as my Home State by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte
Politics and ActivismBeing A Republican in a Liberal School. by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte
Lifestyle16 Things Southerners are Tired of Hearing by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte
Student LifeBeing in a Sorority Taught me to be... by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte
Student LifeGoing back to College explained by Supernatural by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte
Student LifeTo the Girl who will get dragged into Recruitment. by Lindsay BillingsAt Queens University of Charlotte