Throughout my life it was evident that writing was something I thoroughly enjoyed. Whether it be reading, writing short stories, plays, songs and even essays in school did not seem to torture me as much as it did other students. Being able to choose how to express yourself through a careful selection of an unlimited number of words always mystified me.
This year, I was lucky enough to be able to become a part of Her Campus, the online magazine. Each month we were to write 2+ Diverse articles of our choice that we felt served a purpose to the women in college today.
I was also featured on for one of my pieces of work, "When Springtime feels like a Crush".
As a cumulative project for my Entrepreneurship classes, my group and I then published our own online website dedicated to help tourists feel like locals in New York City. (You may check out the rough version at
Whether it be performing live theater, writing, classes or even finishing a 12 mile Tough Mudder course in the middle of June, I can be certain I am a very self motivated person dedicated to succeed in whatever I put my heart and mind too.
Mix that determination to succeed and the desire to see the power of social media that we all use constantly day in and day out to do something good, and one can only imagine what would happen.