Kate Anfossi on OdysseyKate Anfossi
Kate Anfossi

Kate Anfossi

Username: kateanfossi

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Born and raised on the island of Bermuda, I am now attending university in the Land of the Free, more commonly known as America. I love chocolate lava cakes and I have mastered the mug cake recipe. I have an obsession with dying my hair, and I love doing makeup; whether it be everyday, glam or stage. I will always be a feminist, you know, the belief in the all-round equality of the sexes, and I have no issue arguing with you about that. I'm super kind to people who I think deserve it, but I also can be really passive-aggressive at times (we all have flaws). I use humor and Netflix marathons as a defense mechanism. I'm here to voice my opinions and improve my writing at the same time.

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